Make Money With Friendster

Friendster is a social networking site with roughly about 85 million member worldwide. It is similar to Facebook, MySpace and other networking site. Friendster is mostly popular on Asia with a very large traffic coming from the Philippines. But how do we make money at Friendster. If you are an existing affiliate marketer, you can make use of Friendster to promote you product.

First sign up with Friendster if your are not an existing member. If you have an existing member log in to your account.

Go to My Profile>Edit Profile.

At the Edit Profile Page, you will see a number of forms where you enter some information about yourself. Scroll down to the form where you can see the About Me and the Describe Who you Want to Meet Form. At this form, HTML is allowed , so this is where we will paste our affiliate banner codes and links. Go to you affiliate network and then got copy and paste you code on the about me and describe yourself form.

After your done click save and then view your profile to see the resulting affiliate banner.But be warned, do not do this on your personal profile or you may get banned. Create a new profile on Friendster specifically for affiliate marketing. Do this at your own risk.

Happy marketing!


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