Make Money with Tagfoot

Tagfoot is a social tagging, bookmarking and wishlisting site where you can add various contents. You can bookmark your favorite news sites, add photos, add wish list and others. There are many bookmarking sites in the Internet. Digg, furl, magnolia the list goes on, but what sets tagfoot from the rest is that you can earn extra money while you're using it. Yes you can earn money while bookmarking.

How You Earn Money
Tagfoot shares revenues thru adsense and Amazon. A 50/50 ad-sharing scheme is implemented. That is 50 percent of the time your ad will appear and other 50 percent will be Tag foot’s ad. You can also earned by referring friends to Tagfoot. When you refer someone to Tagfoot 50/25/25 ad sharing scheme is implement. Your referred member earn 25% is yours and the next 25$ is Tagfoot's earning. New members are not automatically signed up to the program. As their FAQ states, inclusion in the program is not automatic, it is a privilege not an entitlement. Before being accepted to the program, you will have to submit at least 10 of everything, that is 10 bookmarks, 10 videos, 10 photos, 10 wishlist and 10 news articles. After you have done that you can just send an email to support requesting for inclusion in the program. With Amazon sharing, after you completed the 10 of everything, you will have to place a wishlist widgets on to your site or blog and that’s it, make the request. By the way, you need an Amazon affiliate ID and a Google adsense account to join the program.

Profoot are members of Tagfoot that are accepted on the revenue sharing program. It’s not really that hard to become a Profoot, just add your contents and have enough members rate you positively and that’s it, make the request. Simple as that.

Another member they call is the Bigfoot. A Bigfoot is a member of Tagfoot that carries an extra authority among all the members of the community. Being rated by a Bigfoot is advisable because everything is tallied by the system differently as compared with the rating by a regular member. A Bigfoot also enjoys some extra privilege including exclusive access to post intended for Bigfoot members only. They are also the first to try new feature that are added to the site and in some cases they are given some additional money making opportunities. So as a member, one should always aspire to become a Bigfoot to get these additional perks.

Every content you add on Tagfoot can be tagged, articles, news sites, wishlist, photos, videos and even your friends. You can be rated by any member of the community; your ranking depends on the articles that you have submitted. There is also a feature where you can update to twitter all the contents that you add to Tagfoot.

As a blogger you can have great use of Tagfoot. You can bookmark your every post and in return generate back links to your blog and resulting in additional traffic. As other members will see your every content it can also expose your blog to additional audience.

So if you are not yet a member, foot me here..


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